miércoles, 13 de julio de 2011


For ten years I have used acupuncture as a technique to stop smoking with exceptional results and I can confirm that it is possible to stop smoking with acupuncture.

The treatment to stop smoking comprises three different techniques: acupuncture, Bach’s flowers and auriculotherapy. Each technique alone is enough to stop smoking and when I combine them the final result is even more successful. 

Acupuncture reduces anxiety and dependency on nicotine and eases withdrawal symptoms, especially on the first day. Acupuncture has a success rate of nearly 85%. 

 Treatment with auriculotherapy involves inserting tiny semi-permanent needles into the ear in areas associated with addictions, anxieties and dependencies.

 It has been shown that auriculotherapy has a success rate for stopping smoking of over 70%. 

Alongside the other two treatments, I use Bach’s flowers to control anxiety and speed up 
the body’s detoxification process. 

It has been shown that that the number of smokers that successfully quit smoking with the use of Bach’s flowers alone is 75%.


The treatment to stop smoking has three steps:


Session nº 1:  In this session I will use electricity and needles together and it is in this session that the smoker will stop smoking. The ex-smoker will go home with needles in his ears and with a bottle of Bach’s flowers.


Session nº 2: This is a control session, I only use acupuncture to treat the ex-smoker’s state of mind. For example, if the ex-smoker is feeling tired or sad, then I will treat these aspects. 


Sesión nº 3: This is another control session. As in the previous session, I only treat the ex-smoker’s state of mind. This session ends the treatment to stop smoking. 




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